Friday, February 19, 2016

Neither Left nor right

We are witnessing increasing outrage and drama in the streets everyday, not a day has gone without an incident that threatens to barrage our moral sensibility and delude us into thinking that some catastrophe is upon us and the indian voters are to be blamed for it. People who have voted for Modi is ridiculed and asked to repent for their mistake.

The success of this government is to make every voter, every hindu (good bad and ugly) answerable for the government performance. One doesn't have to hold a party card to be a BJP man.
No other government probably ever mired with controversies after controversies since it assumed office. The street warriors fighting the modi govt have been the left intellectuals. Both the real and exaggerated crimes and mistakes of the present government is used by the left to feel vindicated and call the “31” percent for introspection. One can actually feel a smirk in their face. Infact one gets a feeling that the left actually want the present government to be a facist one, otherwise it will be a disappointment. It was the congress which lost election by numbers, however it was the left intelligentsia which took the victory  personally  and ever since it is trying to come in term with this.

The war is actually between the right and the left and the people are forced to take sides.

The fight is between two different ideas both have propensity to kill, because both believe in absoluteness of their ideas.

While the right imposes tradition, religion, faith, patriotism on others through violence, the left imposes irreverence, irreligiosity, science, poverty through violence.
Tragic similarities, when the left celebrated Afsal Guru or (sought justice for his sentence), hindu maha sabha celebrated Godse’s birthday. if the fight is against Capital Punishment why not condemn the death penalty of Godse. Both were hanged by the government for their anti national activities, if one murdered “the father” the symbol of modern india, the other waged war against the government. While the left poured their heart against afsal’s hanging (some said they are against death penalty) however they accused of the right of glorifying Godse, didn’t want to learn patriotism from stooges of British and the killers of gandhi. May be “the party” did not agree to some slogans raised during the “cultural event” but certainly they were sympathisers, sharing the anguish of afsal guru and the kashmiri cause. Similarly the RSS, sympathise with Godse, and share the anguish and sentiments of hindu cause, if not have played an active role.  Kanaiya, the student leader spoke eloquently on the danger of the right to expression, he remembered Bhagat Singh, Amdetkar, he rejected hindutva, exposed the patriotism of Savarkar. But he didnt mention the role of the left in freedom struggle, their support to the british during quit india movement, he didnt mention Gandhi, except perhaps to expose RSS’s betrayal.

The difference is the left have over a period of time learnt to intellectualise, and build an army of intellectuals to defend and obfuscate in the name of poor. But for them the poor is just an identity, that is the only identity they nurture, they don't go beyond this identity. The tradition, the belief and the values of the poor have no  consequence. It doesn't deserve any appreciation, it will be studied and theorised but never owned or identified with. It is brahminical, a classical one.

Left are the new brahmins in disguise, they derive power from intellectual and moral high ground. Debate, which they so fondly desire is just a tactic,, but that is not a prefered option when in power. We dont see a vibrant campus in kerala or kolkatta. And i am not aware of debating culture in the communist countries. It is an old brahminical formula that defeated buddhism, Initially they had contempt for belief and  faith: bakthi was assigned to the poor and the socially backward.

The source of power was their intelligence, moral high handedness. One can see that they dismissed Kalam, and anna hazare, gandhi. left ridiculed all of them for their simplicity and they questioned their intelligence and accused them of providing simple solutions. They accused them of preventing revolution.Their hate for gandhi is deeper than the right. The dismissed the man, his life and his ideas. They assumed position where they can pass judgements on every single person  and his work based on a framework, just like the priest who used shastras. That is an astonishing similarities, you can't make them accountable because they didn't write a single piece in the anthology of left writing. The god they worship, and gospel they preach are not theirs. Similarly in the  world of hindu philosophy, brahmins were not the principal contributor of the philosophy, they were at the best protector,propagandist, they defend it. Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the brahmins dominate the communist party.

left thinks that the BJP came to power by sloganeering and raising hindu passion, if this was such a easy thing then communist should have been in power. for a country with billion poor people it should have been easy to get them believe in the common enemy and rally them, but it was not so. For the sangh they had to create the Hindu identity which never existed some 200 years ago. To make a group of people with multiple divisions to bring them in one identity is a huge task. If RSS has succeeded partially in this is because of sheer hard work. It doesn't matter if they are right or wrong good or bad, hard work at the end of the day pays.

Murderers of Gandhi:
You also hear both the left and right talk a lot about Gandhi, what thousand pages of Gandhi couldn't do , a picture of Godse did. Suddenly Gandhi has become a symbol of patriotism and even equated with “India”.  

In fact both the right and the left rejected much of what he had to offer. This is the height of hypocrisy that the left who supported British, and rejected Gandhi’s call for Quit India, questions RSS.

RSS want to appropriate Gandhi because they dont want to loose a hindu count. It is as simple as that. That has been their strategy, any Hindu is ok, once i had a conversation with a pracharak, we were discussing about people who were attending shakas, one guy was a well known gonda, i asked him why should you allow such person. His response was “It is ok, we can change him, importantly it is better to have a “Hindu” gonda than to loose him to someone else. For the RSS there can’t be any other identity, or even  values. They are for a Hindu Rastra, where only Hindus can be criminal,thugs. They find new and old gods and icons from this interest. Ambedkar, is a friend of Hindu because he didn't add anyone to the enemy camp. Their idea of hindu is not someone who believes in Hinduism or its value, their idea of hindu is someone who identify himself as a hindu or anyone who is not a christian or muslim.

The right has appropriated the voice of the Hindu, it is they who speak about tradition, values, of millions of the people. The speak on scriptures, and interpret them. Such is a situation, a political Hindu to whom it is mere an identity, has appropriated the space. It is a disgusting and dangerous situation where the Hindus have to look up to sangh for reform and protection.

Both are interested only in Ideology, their paradise  not in people. They will not hesitate to sacrifice people in the altar of higher goals. You need to fit into their idea of Good and bad

What we need today is someone without any extreme position, someone who can understand  our faith, fear, tradition, aspiration. and who can make us feel free

We don't need the right which exploits our faith, and we don't need the left who mocks at our faith.

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