Saturday, May 24, 2014

The cross we can never shed

Brahmin! Who???
TM krishna, i don’t know him much, since i am not into carnatic music, but his recent article in Hindu and his interview, made me notice him for the kind of response he has kindered especially in the social media. Frankly i am not impressed by his article, the importance is more due to his caste and occupation than for his insights.  He is not the first Brahmin and not the last to criticise his own brethren.  It offers no fresh thoughts or insight to the working of Brahmin mind. It is a rehash of what is there in the pop culture of the collective mind.  His reasons why Brahmins support Modi is layman reasons, some of the reasons are ludicrous, especially the Fair skin reason. Seriously?? Brahmin think Modi as one of them because he is fairer???. Now that entire nation has voted for Modi, what explanation one can offer.
 If  TMK can offer theory based on his narrow experience i can also venture into offering my theory. when i say Brahmins i mean tamil Brahmins, just like TM.
Every person, caste and community seeks power there is no exception to this. How is a Brahmin different from others and what do they protect. It is commonly believed that Brahmins by monopolising education and knowledge protected their power centre and have suppressed others through this. I beg to differ my theory is bit different. It by theorising moral and ethical standards and be “seemingly” practicing they have veiled power. This moral superiority comes from religion, philosophy, culture, and personal conduct.  I see Brahmins characters as one who uses moral as power over others, Intellectualise and abstractise morality, and Adapt.
Knowledge of Brahmins were not sought after, it is not of much use to many. Knowledge of Rituals, Vedas and Sanskrit is of no use. Even today not many aspire to learn those.  Many of the injunctions and rituals were hard on Brahmins than on other communities. They were willing to go through this pain and suffering to guard the moral “religious” power over people. What these knowledge do is intellectualise ethics and the personal conduct. Seemingly simple life, discipline, personal hygiene (including food), religiousness and intelligence were the foundation of their power. In fact i would put knowledge as a last factor. Even today you can see that. Idiot Brahmin is accepted, it will not raise eyebrows, but Brahmin (visualise with the Brahmin identities_ eating non-veg, alchohol will be a scandal. Krishna, will not loose his popularity because he has spoken against Brahmins. But the day he smokes in the shabha, or sings drunkard, no matter how great his concert was he will loose his popularity. You can see that through out history. Brahmins won Buddhism not just by usurping maya from them, but also vegetarianism and ascetism from them. This is what has become an integral part of their life not Maya Vadha or infinity.  Because this gave them the moral edge over others.  One can see this is bakthi movement as well. Though many bhakthas were non Brahmins, the intellectualisation of bhakthi, and internalising bhakthi in the personal conduct of every day life, Brahmin held the moral authority again. This was also the period Brahmins moved from Vedic rituals to songs, bhajans, kirtanas, because this gave the moral authority.  You can see this change after british, british challenge to the Brahmins were not an intellectual challenge, it was not the science and industry that posed challenge, it was moral high ground of European civilisation that posed the challenge. Brahmins responded to these challenges by reforming  their religion and practice.  One can see the most conservative Brahmin will not defend caste prejudice in public s/he doesn’t want to seen as immoral (it is different issue whether they practice because for them moral is power to use not an end in itself) TM Krishna is part of that lineage which is resurrecting Brahmin power by reforming belief systems.  With this prelude, is Modi a poster boy of Brahmins???, let us ask another question, is Jayalalitha poster girl of Brahmins. No she is not, Brahmins may vote for her, because of TINA factor, but they can never be proud of her. Similarly Modi is not a Brahmin, he doesn’t have any brahminical character to associate, his language, metaphors, intelligence are not. He doesn’t give them the moral superiority. One can understand this by RSS BJP relationship. Brahmin is naturally inclined towards RSS, swayam sevaks have tolerant contempt for BJP workers. RSS lends BJP its karyakarthas not for infusing intelligence in the organisation. BJP listens to them because they believe they are morally superior to them in life style, in personal conduct and self less work. You can hear this in the campaign trail as well, swayam sevaks and BJP workers don’t work together. For RSS BJP is a necessary evil.  One would be tempted to say that Brahmins natural ally should be congress, their snobbishness, resentment for physical hard-work, moral arrogance, less aggressive, hypocracy are typical Brahmin character. May be Brahmins support BJP for being exactly opposite to them. TM Krishna may be right in this, they may like Modi because he is unlike them, but he is never one of them. Remember, Brahmins were loyal and worked hard in the past for non Brahmin kings and queens including the british. But none of them are remembered and found place in the house of brahmins. But many non Brahmin religious leaders, saints including in some house Gandhi finds much better place.
My test for a Brahmin if he/she has transcended caste lines are very simple. For all the intellectual, Bhakthi and karma marga Brahmins have treaded, they fail miserably in physical work and unconditional love.  Because physical work challenges their intellectual power, Love their moral superiority. There are Brahmins more Buddhist than Buddha in thought and practice, more gandhi than gandhi, we know what happened to them.
Whether krishna transcends this or not i don’t know. But i know one thing for sure it is difficult, for one i experience this every day. If you like or hate some one because of moral and ideological reason, then you are undoubtedly a Brahmin.

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