Monday, January 7, 2013


Boys and girls should have separate bus
Girls should wear modest dress
They should not talk
It is an urban phenomenon
Hang the rapist
All girls are like sisters
Alcholol should be banned
Prostitution should be legalized.

The conversation and actions lately on the rape is hovering on controlling sexual thoughts. In a sense rape is because men cant control their libido roused by sight of women. There is  no question that woman raise sexuality of most of the men (It is vice versa for women as well) the very existence of us is founded on this mutual attraction. But is the sex and attraction towards women lead to rape??. Does the need to have good life lead to murder and theft.  Apart from such absurd solution to reduce crime by quarantining women and men, there is no real evidence whether such
Rape/sexual harassment is about power , it is not just about sex. (we can for now ignore the psychopaths). In the history of gang rapes, the major perpetrators are the army and the police. It the power which makes otherwise good people commit this crime. Men in uniform never honoured powerless women.  No constable rapes his senior, no soldier has raped generals daughter regardless of whether he is sexually starved for years or he is in inebriated condition.
This is the power that comes with authority, tradition, money , muscle etc. unless this structure is addressed the rape will continue. rape is another form of aggression, men are murdered, boys are molested, women are raped.  Free sex, sex education, dry state, Indian culture, burka, male escort cant stop this violence. Society which has less hierarchy ,balanced power can.
Keep our boys away from the girls!!!!!!!!
Don’t let them out in night.
Never let police man control our lives (it is better to listen to khap panchayat dikkat)
Never ask religious leader their opinion
Don’t listen to Arnab  Goswami
Girls always go out in a gang of girls.
Make sure all public  transport has less men than women.
Make co education compulsory, but with fewer boys there.
Have item numbers with only male lead.
Celebrate gays.

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