Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Freedom Individualism and love

How long can we be bad boys, how long can we bear the macho cross, think about the day when we will spend only for ourselves, have sex without guilt of corrupting and responsibilities, have less heart attacks, live longer, like all women. How many lives will you take and sacrifice in protecting small tissue. Freedom lies in not being police.

Dress and Freedom: No doubt freedom to wear the dress we please is freedom, but do we deserve it. I think going by the arguments of some students we don’t. Every body agrees to code, most say short skirt and bikinis should be banned not jeans and t shirts, so we are not talking about freedom of choice, students fighting for jeans in Chennai would be a misfit in Delhi short skirts, and so on. So the fight is about choice of dress not about freedom. Mr VC is old fashioned and importantly he was a man, that is all. Whom should we support the VC or the students, I prefer to keep equidistant, freedom to be traditional is also freedom. One last word, you can be heretic in academic circles, but never in students. Conform or perish.

The arguments: Some arguments, if we can vote can’t we choose dress, why should girls wear traditional, who can define culture, what is tamil culture, when people follow many traditions.

Counter arguments: If I can choose what you read, if I can choose the syllabus, if I can correct your papers, if I can give you grade cant I decide on the dress. Well one can argue that they don’t have competency, so are we.
Having dress code need not be traditional need not be antiwomen, many business schools follow rigid dress code, which are formals not traditional, women are allowed to wear shirts and trousers not jeans, dhothi, and kurtas. They have more rules for men than women, if you are not convinced ask a marketing guy.
This is stretching of dress code arguments. If one feels VC’s speech chauvinistic, pl refer the argument above. In fact the first victim of dress code was a boy from a jain engineerging college.

No one can define culture including historians, anthropologists, linguists, but we do it for our understanding and identity,to find common grounds. Culture is not found in scriptures, but by choosing scriptures, society by choosing its hero, god and scriptures defines its culture. It is fluid, it changes, but it is always there. Just because it changes, and some or more scriptures point otherwise it doesn’t mean it has no culture. If tamils believe kanaki to be their heroine and ram to be their hero then they are, it doesn’t matter, Krishna had 1000 wives and sanga women were highly sexual. But it is altogether a different question whether one should accept one culture. Best example is language, for us tamil alphabets are what we have today, no one questions by citing the epitapts of sanga period. Culture is finding common traits of particular people not about differences. So it is possible to define culture, to celebrate it, chastise it. The best and safest Case study for this would be brahmin's cultural differences and changes, but still you find some brahminical culture. Hope this would not be disputed. if you then you are in self defeating quagmire.

Danger lies in quoting and counter quoting from history, because it doesn’t prove the other is wrong and second what if you don't find quotes. To decide on morals we need not seek evidence in the past, something is wrong or right not because it is found in history but because it is truth.

Freedom, Individualism and love: In my understanding individualism for many is not driven by ideas, it is restricted to creating comfort zones. That is why there are more suicides in france and finland, and the UK worry about growing number of senior citizens. As long as we need love from others, fighting for rights alone will not work. It is the dependence on others that lead us on compromise on rights. Empowered women, men and children by its very nature anti family (strictly in cultural terms). We all know this, but we still flock to make one (strictly evolutionary). We are trying to bring balance. So if you are a person who wants a family, decide on how much you can compromise, know the degree can vary, when you know this your right would make sense to you.

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