Friday, September 19, 2008

Educated People in Politics

there seems to be a general feeling, that the politics will redeem for good if educated people vote and enter politics and politicians like other streams should have minimum qualification. I dont know how such thougts can be accepted as universal wisdom with out discussion. Other day i was watching CNN IBN, Rajdeep was wondering how come in the twenteith century india can have an MP who doesnt know how to press correct buttons in the vote of trust, and he was ashamed that they were our leaders. I am simply aghast with such remarks which is so insensitive to the millions of indians who are illiterate, poor. MPs are representatives of the people and their aspirations, so its natural that some MPs and MLAs can be uneducated better unschooled. I dont know how the educated can be true representatives of all indians.

Anyways in real it is the educated babu lok who run the government, i am not very sure of their greatness. There is also feeling that the unschooled population are corrupt, ignorant and bringing down the country. such feeling doesnt help.

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